FEAR…Of The Future!|Codependency
Codependency is also called “relationship addiction”. Codependency is rooted in feeling of low self-worth shame and insecurity. ... Children who grew up with alcoholic, drug-addicted, abusive, or emotionally negligent parents are likely to experience codependency in their future, adult relationships.
Some people also have specific physical fears and phobias. When codependents aren't afraid, they're anxious. Anxiety is apprehension about a future threat.. This is the difficulty or the challenge that a codependent has in setting healthy boundaries. ... and autonomous individual, struggle with future relationships. ... For the codependent, this is the biggest fear, and working with a .... Whether from addiction, mental illness, or chronic stress, fear changes our behavior in a way that is intended to protect and preserve our .... Wishes and fears about The sense of not belonging anywhere, ... of a known danger from which we can escape, anxiety is apprehension about a future threat.. "Fear of intimacy is at the heart of codependency. We have a fear of intimacy because we have a fear of abandonment, betrayal, and rejection. We have a these fears because we were wounded in early childhood - we experienced feeling emotionally abandoned, rejected, and betrayed by our parents because they were wounded.
One of the most painful moments for a codependent is when he or she realizes that ... Tried to make my partner feel responsible for and guilty about my future by ... When the fear of relationship abandonment creeps up, they will do anything to .... From what I know, it seems that the codependent is terrified of his own anger; it can ... Living perpetually in fear and gloom does nothing good for the future. Made You Look
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